Pakistan: Urban Housing Issues

Pakistan is the seventh most populous country in the world. According to the 2017 Census, its population is 207.7 million and has grown at the rate of 2.4% per year in the intercensal period. Its urban population, on the other hand, has grown at the rate of 2.7% per year during the same period and is estimated at 75.5 million.

The urban housing demand in Pakistan is 350,000 units. Of this 62% is for lower income groups, 25% for lower middle income groups, and 10% for higher and upper middle income groups. The formal supply per year is 150,000 units. The unmet demand is taken care of by the creation of informal settlements of two kinds: one, occupation and subdivision of government land (katchi abadis) and two, by the informal subdivision of agricultural land (ISALs) on the periphery of the urban settlements. In the last two decades, however, the demand is increasingly being met by densification of existing low and lower middle income settlements.

Click here to download the complete report [PDF]

Note: Prepared for the Asian Coalition of Housing Rights, Bangkok.


  1. Vishal Bhatia

    Similar situation in India – we need 60 million new homes !!

    Posted September 26, 2018 at 11:57 am | PermalinkReply
    • Arif Hasan

      Good to know. Very reassuring.

      Posted January 21, 2019 at 1:31 pm | PermalinkReply
      • Arslan Malghani

        Dear Arif,
        Can you please define income groups in numbers stated above in article? lower income groups, for lower middle income groups, and higher and upper middle income groups.

        Posted July 16, 2019 at 9:46 am | PermalinkReply
        • rafiullah kakar

          lower income:- those who earn $ 1025 per capita
          lower middle income:- those who earn $ 1026-3995 per capita
          upper income:- those who earn $ 3996-12375 per capita
          higher income:- those who earn > $ 12375
          hope u got the answer, your comments will be welcomed for my knowledge.

          Posted November 14, 2019 at 7:24 pm | PermalinkReply
    • rafiullah kakar

      this is issue of all developing countries , not only in India and Pakistan. When income inequality exist these problems as well be going side by side.

      Posted November 14, 2019 at 7:15 pm | PermalinkReply
  2. Well it is our first duty to help poor and urban. There is a lots of information about urban housing issues.

    Posted July 28, 2020 at 1:12 pm | PermalinkReply

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