Reporting on ‘Slums’: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan
In low income settlements, with the second generation of low income settlement dwellers growing up, the demand for services and for a better level of service is increasing. The old process of lobbying for improvements is giving way to people coming together and doing things themselves. Community organisations get together to establish schools. Neighbourhoods pool in their resources to lay sewage lines to the nearest disposal points, which are often natural storm drainage channels. Katchi abadi residents establish piped water distribution networks tapping the municipal mains and where this is not possible, they construct community tanks and purchase water through tankers. Details of some of these investments by communities is given in Section B-3. Along with these developments, there is a rapid increase in literacy and unemployment. Over 80 per cent of the people in these settlements wok for the informal sector. These factors result in the political and social alienation of the youth which in turn leads to ethnic violence and crime.
Download the full report here: Reporting on ‘Slums’: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan [PDF, 4.7 MB]