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This is really a good website regarding the City of Lights. and a resource for researchers as well. I just found it by chance as I was searching for the historical buildings in Karachi and a little info about them (for organizing a Photowalk in the City).
I am a little bit surprised no one left any comment, does it mean no one looked at the page/website or no body bothered to appreciate such great work.
Hats off to you Sir ..!
It’s a huge site. I stumbled on it myself and once I started browsing through it, it was a hassle to stop and comment. You’re quite right, though. Arif Hasan should be commended for this!
No doubt a great website for those interested in Karachi and all that it has to offer. Just brilliant !
Mayor/Administrator/Commissioner Karachi may kindly take guidance and advice from Sir Arif Hassan.
this site made research easy.thanks