Evaluation of the Community Development Work at Rehri Carried out by the Coastal Ecosystem Unit (IUCN)
The Indus delta region is said to contain the largest expanse of arid land mangroves in the world. They are dependent on the river Indus for their fresh water requirements. These mangroves are under stress due to a massive reduction in the flows of fresh water, silt and nutrients down the Indus because of the development of dams and perennial irrigation systems; over cutting for fuel-wood and fodder, over browsing by camels; and pollution from the expanding domestic and industrial areas of Karachi. In addition, a major port (Port Qasim), is sited some 30 km from the sea on one of the main Indus creeks and industrial development is beginning in the hinterland around it.
The Korangi Ecosystem Project was set up in 1987 by the IUCN to develop a management plan for the Korangi and Phitti creeks, which are adjacent to Karachi, CIS a model for sustainable management in the Indus delta as a whole.
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