General Environmental Facilitation (GEF) Small Grants Programme for Pakistan: Assessment of conditions and recommendations

Consultancy Objectives and Scope of Work

The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP)

Pakistan is one of the 30 pilot countries for the GEF-SGP. The Programme aims at supporting NGO projects that deal with the following environment related subjects:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
  • protecting bio-diversity
  • reducing pollution of international waters; and/or
  • reducing ozone layer depletions

In general, the following types of NGO activity will be eligible for support, whether carried out within the country or within the framework of an inter-country project:

  • community based participatory activities that address an area of need
  • development of priorities and strategies
  • research, data collection and inventories
  • capacity building and strengthening of local institutions and resources, including training; and
  • education, community mobilization and advocacy.

Awards for NGO activities within a pilot country will be limited to US$ 50,000 and awards for inter-country projects will have an initial ceiling of US$ 250,000.


Download the full report here: General Environmental Facilitation (GEF) Small Grants Programme for Pakistan: Assessment of conditions and recommendations [PDF, 22.2 MB]

One Comment

  1. it is honor for us to work with UNDP on environmental issues, hope for the best

    Posted March 23, 2014 at 10:19 pm | PermalinkReply

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